
Monday, June 29, 2009

Still no internet at the appt., but I have a new job!

Hello friends and family!

So, yes, there is still no internet at our appt. AT&T really has it out for us... It's been a test to our patience; I am still making an A-, but I think Scott is approaching a B. We are supposed to have the internet on Thursday (fingers crossed) but, to be honest, neither one of us are optimistic.

Enough on that! I got a new job and I started today! It is called Taft Street Coffee and it is run by our church, Ecclesia. It was started as a ministry to the community and I believe that it has succeeded. Several people from the church come and go, but there are definitely some students and a handful of homeless people that drop in. Taft has a series of tabs that they leave open for regulars, church staff, employees, etc., but they also have one called "benevolence", which I learned today is for the occasions when homeless people come in wanting a drink. Really neat. We actually had a guy come in today for a Coke that we put on the "benevolence" tab. It just feels good to have a job where I can get to know the members of my church, the local community, and the homeless around the neighborhood. My boss is great and the girl that I will be working with most often is the asst. manager; she is a young woman named Chantal with PLENTY of sarcasm and spunk, but I really enjoy working with her. She is easy to talk to and really encouraged me today.

Scott is doing well, too. He likes his job, but he works such long hours. He leaves the house at 5:45am and comes home around 6:15pm. He says that his co-workers are really helpful and fun, but none of them are Christians, so that is difficult. Scott says that most of their leisure talk is about sex, boobs, and racist jokes. He doesn't participate, of coarse, but right now he is trying to figure out the best way to handle these conversations.

We hosted our first block party at our apartment complex last night and it was a success! We are taking the advice of my Mema and Scott's parents and going to the people instead of waiting for them to come to us. We had a great turn out, lots of good conversation, and plenty of food :-) Our landlord even came! His name is Sam and he is just the sweetest man. He is always available when we need him and I am not sure what we did, but he really likes Scott and I.

Scott's parents came over the weekend and we had a great time with them! We took them to Discovery Green and watched a competition called "Dock Dogs". Yeah, I had never heard of it either until Saturday, haha. Basically, local citizens from the surrounding Houston area bring their dogs in and have them participate in a long-jump competition for dogs. There is a 40 foot dock with a 35 foot pool extending from it; the dogs run down the dock and jump out into the pool as far as they can, have the distance measured, and go again. They take the best of 4 jumps. It was really cool to watch, but so bazar. Most of the dogs had on "dog bathing suits", which.... lets just say it was a brightly colored vest that only covered the front half of the dog. Still, we all found ourselves rooting for our favorite dog, if you can have a favorite after only seeing the dog from a distance for a total of 3 minutes? Good fun, though, and a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon :-) Especially since we are all dog lovers.

Well, that is all for now.

Love you all!

Blessings and peace.

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