
Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's Saturday and Scott has to work...

Friends and Family,

It's the weekend! Hurray! Scott and I had a pretty normal week, for the most part.

My bike that he and my parents bought me for my birthday a couple of years ago got STOLEN out of our LOCKED garage. Oh, city living. We honestly have NO idea how they could have gotten into the garage. Thankfully, we have very good renters insurance and they gave us more money than we bought the bike for. I am currently hunting for a new bike, and I have already found a few that I like. We are going to spend, at the very most, what I bought the first bike for and use the left over money to get me a pair of new, much needed, running shoes.

Friday night was date night for us!

It's so nice to spend time with just the two of us, though we certainly enjoy our friends as well. After eating some juicy burgers at a small burger joint close to home, we went to a nice theater in downtown called the "Angelika" and saw the movie "Precious".

Scott enjoyed a "medium" Dr. Pepper--It looked pretty LARGE to us!

I had a vegan Pumpkin Spice cookie! Yummy! We sell these cookies at work, too, and I LOVE them!

The movie was a very emotional and touching film about a 16-year-old, overweight, African American girl from Harlem who grew up in a VERY abusive home, is pregnant with her second child, and is illiterate. It was a powerful story about overcoming absolute hatred and learning to love yourself. The critics are speculating that it will be an Oscar nominee for sure, and I would certainly agree. I recommend this movie if you are into hopeful stories, can handle some violent scenes, language, and don't mind crying in the theater.

There is underground parking in downtown Houston that you have to pay $7 for, but if you see a movie at the Angelika, they will reimburse you! Yay for that! I had never experienced underground parking before; it was pretty neat! It looks like a normal parking garage, but getting down there is kinda creepy.... You find a stairwell in the middle of downtown (there are several) that leads downwards, open a door, and there you are! Parking! The underground garage is HUGE. It covers several blocks of downtown and Scott ended up parking pretty far away from the theater without realizing it, oops. We just hopped on a golf cart and had these men find our car for us!

We found it pretty quickly. My feet were very thankful that we didn't try to find the car ourselves. I was wearing boots with 3-4 inch heels and no socks... bad idea... blisters followed...

Scott had to work today. Bummer. He will get off of work around 3:30 and then we are going to hang out with some friends from small group tonight, Eric and Sarah.

I have spent most of the day cleaning the apartment and doing laundry.

I am currently enjoying a turkey sandwich with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and avocado, with an orange on the side. Yummmmy!

Well, that is all there is to tell for now. We love you all so much and are looking forward to Thanksgiving when we will get to see some of you!


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