
Sunday, December 6, 2009

This will be a long blog post! But a good one.

Friends and Family~

It has been a little while! We had the week off for Thanksgiving and this past week was my last week of classes, so it was a little crazy! Like last time, I will tell you of the week in pictures.

This story begins on the week of Thanksgiving. We packed our bright blue suitcases into the back of our little blue sudan and headed up Hwy 290, through College Station, Hearne, Cameron, Rogers, and, at last, we arrived in Belton, TX to stuff our faces with all things good!

There was lots of cooking...





and dogs....

We ended the week by purchasing our first Christmas tree as a married couple! And my first ever LIVE Christmas tree! (No allergies yet....)

And, to continue a multiple generation tradition, we strung popcorn for our tree garland! The house smelled of butter and pine! Quite a lovely combination. Stringing popcorn with needle and thread is a new tradition for Scott (his fingers are proof--poor things were victim to many a needle stab) but he completed it with only a few injuries and minor grumblings....


Our parents gave us all of our ornaments that have been collected for us over the last 23 years and we finished the tree off with those.

The rest of the house has been decked with gold and silver Christmas ornaments piled in clear glass bowls, and stockings are currently being sewn with my ammeter sewing skills and pattern purchased for $1.99!

One more thing before we go--it SNOWED in Houston on Friday!! It was REAL snow! It started snowing at about 9am and didn't stop until 6pm. Only about an inch of it stuck and it was all melted by morning, but we were excited none the less! (Can't you tell by my face how happy I was?!)

Well, that is all I have to tell! My birthday is on Saturday and Scott has some festivities planned for the weekend! Hopefully our next post will be sometime next week.

We love you all.

P.S. Here is a sneak-peak of the coming Huddleston Family Christmas Card 2009! You will have to check your mailboxes in the next 2-3, maybe 4 weeks to see what the final result was! (It's a good one.)

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! You updated...loved reading the blog...let me know when I could come and give you your Christmas/Birthday present this week or next or whenever? Love, Mo :)
