
Monday, January 11, 2010

One week left of vacation

Hello to all! Well, I have finally (sorrowfully) approached my last week of Christmas vacation before a new semester begins at the University of Houston. Scott did not have any vacation days, so he does not feel my pain, nor sympathize...

So, I had this long list of projects that I was going to complete over my 4 week break and I will give you a guess as to how many of those I actually completed before today.... anyone..... ZERO. But! I am going to take FULL advantage of my last week and tackle as many of these projects as I can AND you will get to see the results! Aren't you so lucky? I will share the pictures from today's completed project in the next post.
The list includes:
*Make a decorative pillow for the guest bedroom bed
*Finish Scott and I's wedding scrapbook (it's been almost 8 months, it's high time this gets done)
*Finish the "Wall de Photos" in our living room
*Make artwork for the guest bedroom walls using old windows
*Make dust ruffle for bed in guest bedroom
*Paint something for the huge empty wall in the dining room
*Organize the festered nest of miscellaneous cords that is taking over the bottom drawer of our organizing bin

It will get done, just maybe not all this week....

Besides this, Scott and I went to our friends Tim and Sarah's wedding reception at the Haven Center on Saturday night! It was so nice to be able to see Tim and Sarah on their wedding day! I gave Sarah a hard time for changing our of her wedding dress before I got to see it, but I'm sure I will see pictures soon enough :-)

Me with the Bride! She changed out of her dress.... grrr..... at least this one was pretty too!

Friday night, Scott and I decided to hang out with just the two of us. We went out to eat at Little Bigs and had some sliders and fries, then went to Half Price Books where Scott was able to buy 7 books for 12 dollars! And! We found a $1.00 VHS copy of the old Disney movie "Homeward Bound" that neither one us could pass up. We went to Kroger, picked up a bag of Oreos, came home, changed into our PJs, popped in Homeward Bound, and ate Oreos dunked in milk. The perfect ending to our Friday night. Truly glorious!

Saturday morning, I woke up with an Oreos and milk hangover and needed a healthy breakfast to feel good about myself, ha. We ate oatmeal and cut up fruit--just what I needed!

That night we made salami, cheese, and roasted red bell pepper sandwiches with a cream cheese/horseradish dip eaten with cucumbers (both recipes courtesy of Real Simple magazine)! Everything was so tasty!

Scott's ready to eat!

Sunday morning we went to church at 11:00 to help out with communion. Scott and I along with 4 others served communion and I was so touched to be able to do this. Our church does communion by way of "intinction", which simply means that volunteers stand at the front, two holding bread and four holding either wine or grape juice, and the people of the church come up to the front, tear off a piece of bread, and dunk it in the wine. The job of the volunteers is not only to hold the bread/wine, but to say "the body of Christ, broken for you" or "the blood of Christ, shed for you" when each person comes. I was just overwhelmed by how incredible it is that Christ died for ALL of these people and so many more. I must have said "the blood of Christ, shed for you" over 30 times and I started to cry about half-way through. It was beautiful.

Before I go, I want to share with you all that Scott and I will be traveling to CHICAGO this weekend! Yay!! As you may know, the north has been getting some pretty heavy snow and we ask that you pray for our safety as we fly and travel this weekend. No snow is predicted, but you just never know... We are due back on Monday night at 11:00pm, the night before I start classes. I REALLY hope that we don't get delayed!

Blessings and love.


  1. Hey Hannah! I put some wedding pics on my Flickr, there is at least one of Sarah in her wedding dress (o:

    I remembered that Sarah had shared a post from your blog awhile back, so I looked it up. Hope you don't mind!

  2. I hope ya'll have fun in the windy city! :-) I enjoyed your post, and the new pillow is adorable! Can't wait to actually STAY in that guest bedroom one of these days! Love, Ashtie
