
Friday, February 19, 2010

My friend, Sarah.

Friends and family,

This post will be short. Please pray for my friend Sarah C. She had a cyst on her arm removed and the biopsy came back as a malignant tumor. Nothing else is known, yet. She goes in for an MRI on Monday to see if the tumor is only in her arm or if it has spread and what actions need to be taken. She is for sure going to have an additional surgery next week on her arm to remove more of the tumor. She is only 27. Pray also for her boyfriend, Eric, and her family. She and Eric have been such good people to Scott and I. They welcomed us into Houston and have been very close friends since we moved here.

Spread the word to pray for Sarah. Pray that the tumor has not spread. Pray that she will be healed.

Thanks and we love you.


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