
Thursday, May 13, 2010

End of the Semester, Camping, Weddings

I hope you enjoyed the recipes! They are two that I have been meaning to share with you for quite a while!

Well, as of Tuesday night, I am free of all school obligations!!! Can I tell you how relieved I am?! SO relieved. I think Scott is, too ;-) He said he could tell that I was a lot less stressed. Unfortunately, summer school starts on June 1st, but I am going to thoroughly enjoy these 2 ½ weeks of freedom! Scott and I are celebrating one year of marriage on the 23rd. ONE YEAR. Can you BELIEVE it?? I will do a more thorough post on our one year once it has approached, but for now, I will just give you a hint: It has been WONDERFUL J He is my best friend and I could not be happier.

The rest of this post will be a mere update. I apologize for the choppy-ness that follows….

Scott and I went on an All-Church Retreat the weekend of April 23rd. Destination: H-E-B Camp! The very camp that I grew up going to as a kid because my dad volunteered as the camp doctor there for several years. We met lots of new people and fellowshipped with good friends. Some activities included:

-A beautiful hike that overlooked the Frio River (rightly named: the temperature of the water was 65 degrees! Ah!)

Getting ready to hike!

Our friend, Katie.

-Excellent food prepared by our Art Pastor’s wife, Holly

-Swimming in the Frio River (yes, I actually swam despite the FREEZING temperatures)

My husband, playing King of the Rock

-Praying and singing

It was a much-needed weekend of nature's bounty seeping into my pores!

We carpooled with our friend Brandon and Rebekah. This was a stop we made in tiny-town Texas for lunch. This place was an honorable mention in the Texas Monthly's Top 50 Barbeque Restaurants!

My dear friend from college and roommate of 3 years, Melissa, got engaged a few weeks ago!! I could not be more happy for her. You always wonder who your friends will end up marrying, and you certainly hope it is someone suitable. Well, her fiance is just that. He is very patient, loving, generous, and overall a good man for my Mo J Congrats, Melissa! Love you, honey!

Celebrating with Mo

Speaking of future weddings… The month of May has Scott and I out of state every weekend for a wedding! That’s right, out of state! It started on May 1st, with the wedding of Scott’s dear friend, Travis. We drove to Siloam Springs, AR, arriving VERY late on Friday night, attended the BEAUTIFUL outdoor wedding on Saturday, then turned around and drove the 10 hours back to Houston on Sunday. It was a brief trip, but very worth the time. We enjoy car rides and seeing his college friends was certainly a wonderful reunion J

At the wedding

Okay, more to come in the next post. Don’t want to overwhelm you….

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