
Saturday, June 19, 2010

14 days of friends and family

Well, this two weeks of no blogging I have to blame on school again. I started back on June 1st! I have many, many clients this summer and just one class (thank goodness!) But, in between clients and class, I have been blessed with spending evenings with husband and weekends with friends :-)

Levi graduated on June 3rd. It's so hard to believe that I was there just 5 years ago. I wish I had a picture of me in my cap and gown to show you, but Mommy has those...

I can't say any more about the graduation or I will tear up, haha. I have become such a sap in my married days...

My last photo with Mom's camera :-( At least it's a cute one! This is Danny.

Back to my little point-n-shoot :-) This is Phoebe.

So... remember those socks I started knitting for Scott back in February.... I finally finished the FIRST ONE!! Yay!! Turning the heel was not near as scary as anticipated. Maybe he'll have the second one by Christmas? Maybe?

Last weekend, Scott's sister and her husband came to visit us. We started their visit with a night out on a sailboat. Our friend, Brook, invited us and we had such a fun (windy!) night of sailing, eating salsa and hotdogs, and watching fireworks!

Scott got to learn how to steer the boat

View from the bay

I'm on a boat!

Early sunset picture of the gulls

Stef and Trey

The next day, we put on our USA World Cup Soccer gear and headed to St. Arnold's Brewery! Trey really likes their beer and the brewery happens to be about 10 min. from our apartment. The atmosphere was really friendly and fun. You walk in to a HUGE room full of LONG wooden benches filled to the max with people, beer in hand and games on the table! Your entry fee comes with a tour and four free 10 oz. samples of beer.

The group

My fun USA nail job!

From there, we drove over (soberly) to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the USA v. England World Cup Soccer game!! It was SO fun! It's amazing how much you can get into a game when 100+ others around you are equally excited! The girl from the newspaper took a ton of pictures of our table, haha.

Over the past couple of weeks, our garden has really grown! We just plucked our first two tomatoes! Remember when those guys were just seedlings?? Our bell peppers are well on their way, too.

Last night, we had 6 of our friends over for a game night and burgers. Scott made his famous grilled burgers (recipe to follow, if he will let me post it), I made some yummy corn salad (recipe also to follow), and some guacamole (guess what, I'm posting that recipe, too!) Unfortunately, I was unable to get pictures of the corn salad and guacamole because the burgers stole the show!

Tonight, Scott and I headed over to Minute Maid Stadium to watch the Astros play the Rangers. Now, I have grown up a Rangers fan, so I was little torn. Needless to say, I was happy with either win. The Rangers ended up killing us, 4-1! Oh well...

Well, tis all for the update! Stay tuned for recipes.



1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed seeing you briefly this weekend :-) Love you, cuz!
