
Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So since I have just given you an entire meals worth of recipes, why not finish it off with a citrus-y cold drink? I just made this tonight, and Scott and I both enjoyed the sweet, but tangy delight!

Limeade (adapted from Simply Recipes)
Serves approx. 4

1 c. fresh squeezed lime juice
1 T. lime zest
1 c. sugar
3 c. water

-In a small saucepan, make simple syrup by bringing the sugar and 1 c. of the water to a light simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved. Turn off the heat and remove the pot from the stove, allowing the simply syrup to cool.
-While the syrup is still warm, add the zest to the pot
-Once the syrup has cooled, pour it into a serving pitcher and add the remaining 2 c. of water and the lime juice
-Serve over ice!
**If you wish to remove pulp and zest, run the lime juice and syrup through a sieve first, then pour into the serving pitcher (Scott and I like the texture of the pulp, so we left it in)**

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving all these recipes! Thank you thank you! :)
