
Friday, July 30, 2010

Guess What......??!!

.......... We got a NEW CAMERA!!!! You know how I have been DYING to get a camera like my momma's....... Well I got one!! We have a friend of ours staying with us this summer and we used the money that she has been paying for rent to purchase our very own Canon Rebel T1i digital SLR with a 50 mm lens. She is my pride and joy. I have been making up excuses to take pictures every day, and I have taken pictures of some of the most mundane things because I ran out of cool things to photograph. I will share some of my photos below:

The Camera!!!

Sunflowers from Scott :-)

Mailboxes at our apartment

Some thread that I use to decorate a book shelf :-)

Dried hydrangea from my bridal portraits

In other news... I finished summer school last night! Yay! Three weeks of freedom! I have already nearly completed one painting with (hopefully) a couple more in the coming weeks. I have taken PLENTY of pictures, deep cleaned the apartment, and helped a dear friend make ornaments for her up coming wedding. Pretty productive for my first day off, eh?

Scott came home early tonight (YAY!) and we will be grilling some chicken sandwiches and fryin' up some potatoes for french fries! We haven't had a good night out by the pool all summer, so tonight will be a real treat :-D Tomorrow, I plan on going to the farmer's market in search of some local, free-range, grass-fed meat products. We have felt more and more convicted lately to support local agriculture and this will be one of a few small steps we will take in that direction.

On Wednesday night, Scott and I went with our friends, the Duncans, to go watch Manchester United play the MLS All-Stars! (These would be professional soccer teams.) I have heard SO much about Manchester United and it was really exciting to watch them play! Granted, they are from England, but I was a bit more excited to see them play than the U.S. team.... We saw several players in action that played during the World Cup 2010!! We took the train to the stadium so as to save money on parking. It was my first time to take public transportation since living in Houston and it was pretty fun! The Houston public transit system is NOTHING compared to that of New York, Boston, Paris, or Chicago, but it got us to the stadium and back. However, on the way back, EVERYONE from the stadium took the light rail home so we were packed in that little train like crayons in a Crayola box! Scott and I are going to watch the Houston Dynamos (local soccer team) play New York's soccer team tomorrow night with the Duncans; should be great!

At Reliant Stadium

Scott and Brandon

The fans! 70,000 total!

Well, that is all I have as far as an update. I will post the surprise tomato recipe next....!




  1. Yay! I knew it was coming sometime soon :)

    Beautiful pictures Han! Can't wait to see all of your projects, yummy dinners, and art. Congrats!

    Ps. you and scott need to come visit next summer. This place is insane. We've gone a hike or walk just about every other day, and we haven't even scratched the surface... it's beautiful

  2. I'm glad you have a little bit of freedom from summer school! You so deserve it! Kick back and don't feel any guilt about it! :) I miss you guys so much!
