
Friday, December 10, 2010

Hallelujah! It's almost the holidays!

Friends and family,

Today is a good day. I hope your day is going well, too. My birthday is very soon, I take my last final EVER on Monday, it is a perfect 72 degrees and sunny outside, and I just ate sushi. *satisfied sigh* Sorry to be absent for the last few weeks, but it's finals season, and we have been busy around here making our apartment look and smell like Christmas! Don't you just LOVE decorating for Christmas?! The glitters, the sparkles, the shimmer and shine, the smell of spices and pine...... oh, it's just so wonderful!

Here is a peek into our little abode:

Scott helped me cut about 18 snowflakes out of brown paper. His were some of the better ones!

Just a quick update:
Thanksgiving was awesome! We were able to spend time with Scott's family and my family and had our FULL share of food! My goodness, I'm still bloated. I think pumpkin is streaming through my blood as we speak... Momma made by far THE BEST turkey she has ever mastered. She always has good turkey, but this one was just PARTICULARLY good. I think even the turkey itself was applauding my mother, despite it's plight.

We spent Wednesday with Scott's family! Had a wonderful ham dinner!

Father-in-law :-)

Mom, cooking away!

Jim came in to help :-)

Scott whipped up some creamy topping for blueberry dessert

Danny gave his approval from under the kitchen island

Phoebe gave her approval from on top of the kitchen island.

Siblings! Love :-) We took Thanksgiving over to Mema and Papa's house!


My great aunt and her grandson

Daddy and Papa

THE pumpkin roll..... yum. yum.

Wow. I think the turkey might be afraid.

A little post-eating crochet

Learned how to do it from this lady :-)

Mema's dog, Mia.

Eric and Sarah had their official wedding on November 27th in San Antonio and it was just stunning. Sarah looked beautiful and despite her tremendous amount of pain, she smiled through the whole evening and just sparkled :-) It was so wonderful to celebrate with them!

The bride.

Some bridesmaids.

Another bridesmaid.

Scott and Hannah!


The Sarah's

First dance

The send off

Last weekend, Scott and I helped our friend, J, sell some items at our church's annual art market. J started a women's co-op in Nicaragua where a small group of women from a small fisherman's village gather to brainstorm and create beautiful hand-crafted items that J sells here in America. All of the money goes straight back to the women to buy more supplies and help sustain their families. It's such a neat and beautiful thing that J is doing over there.

J made these earrings! Beautiful!

Setting up

E, helping out, too!

Bag made by woman in El Transito, Nicaragua

More earrings by J!


J :-)

We had a Christmas/birthday party last weekend as well at our apartment; we had so much fun eating and talking with good friends! There were plenty of sweets, cider and punch to go around, as well as Christmas music playing in the background. Some friends brought their musical instruments for a jam session later in the evening. I felt so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people :-)

I made ginger woopie pies!

Goofy friends


R made homemade apple cider! Yummmm.....

Jam session

Balloons from E!

Well, that's about it on this end! Thanks for reading! I hope you gathered a few simple decorating ideas for own home this Christmas season! Remember that this is a season of love and celebration of our Savior's birth--praise God!


1 comment:

  1. Impressed as usual :) You're so crafty! I can't wait to get my own place-- you're definitely going to be my own little interior designer!
