
Friday, January 14, 2011

Robin's Egg Blue Crochet Earrings

New item on Etsy! Hope you like :-)

Click the link on the right to visit my store!




  1. I adore these, and definitely want to buy some from you, but I don't see them in your ETSY shop yet--I'm guessing they're either already sold, or the website hasn't updated yet. Either way, bravo. They are way cute, and I definitely want some eventually! :)

  2. Hi Hannah! I found your blog from Facebook because you said you had pictures from Melissa Barnett's wedding. ;) And then I realized that my husband knew you in school! I can't remember if we ever met face to face, but my husband always had such nice things to say when you were in walking class together! I love all the crafty little things you post on here. It's inspiring! I just added you to my Google reader, so I look forward to seeing more, especially since you just started your Etsy shop!

  3. Courtney rebecca:
    So glad you found my blog! Keep an eye open for my next few items on Etsy.... just waiting for a few more materials to come in the mail, then more earrings will be posted :-)
