
Monday, May 2, 2011

So, we moved!

It has officially been 3 weeks since my last post. Allow me to explain myself....

In the last three weeks, the Key family has:

*Moved into a new apartment
*Hannah took her Comps exam
*Hannah took her PRAXIS exam
*Hannah accepted a new job
*Scott planned a fundraising event for our trip to Nicaragua
*Hannah finished graduate school (graduation is on May 13th!)
*Scott built shelves to add storage for our stuff
*Got rid of 10 boxes of stuff that wouldn't fit on the new shelves created for our stuff
*Finished unpacking all of our boxes and putting every item in its place!!

With that said, here are some photos of all the in-betweens that occurred amidst the list we accomplished above. I find that the in-betweens are my little bouts of wonderful that get me through days of monotony and worry. Thank you, God, for the in-betweens :-)

Attended a cooking class with our friends, C and M. Theme for the night: MAN FOOD. Never eaten so much meat in one sitting in my life, and didn't regret a bite.

Attended the wedding of P and S from our small group.

Oh, I just LOVE photographing weddings!

Visited the Keys in Fort Worth

Attended my future-sister-in-laws wedding shower!!

My beautiful grandmothers


Went home for Easter

Hahaha, I love this photo :-) Dogs are cute.

Baby birds at the Keys place

And here we are now :-) A peaceful Monday, with a To-Do list. Wouldn't be a Monday without a To-Do list ;-)

With pencil and paper in hand,


1 comment:

  1. Gotta love "man food"! So glad we were able to join you guys for that--such fun! Congrats on graduation and your new job!!
