
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hace Mucho Calor! And other phrases I have learned...

Hace' mucho calor. In English: It's very hot. And humid. I actually had a dream today during a quick nap that my hair and body was drenched in sweat. When I woke up, estaba verdad (it was true).

If you've read my Facebook status, you would know that I am getting to the point where I am translating much of my thoughts into Spanish. Just typing this blog entry, I am resisting the urge to type it in Spanish. Pero no es facil! (But it's not easy!) Some phrases that have become my default (when I either don't know what the heck someone is saying to me, or if I can't think of what I need to say in enough time...)

1. "Si'!" (yes!) This is probably not the best default phrase... what am I agreeing to, exactly?
2. "No se." (I don't know) This is a much safer option for default phrases. It let's the speaker know you have no idea what they just said.
3. "No intiendo" (I don't understand) See note above.
4. "Como se dice?" (How do you say this?) My default phrase when I don't know what to call something. Self explanatory.
5. "Hola!" (Hello)

See my face in the photo above? I most likely have no idea what she is saying to me. Thought I hid that fact better than this. Apparently not. Note to self: try not to look so clueless.

Today was a busy day. We drove to the mayor's office with Julie and the local pastor, and met up with Claudia and her lawyer (two women that work for a local non-profit organization, NICA) at the office. We went to see the mayor to discuss our plans for the new library and ask for his help in funding the electricity and internet for the building. To read more details about this excursion, read Scott's blog:

In Latin America, the concept of time is very different. For example, if I say I want to meet up with you at 8:30, that means nothing. I could show up at 10:00 and that would be totally acceptable. I could show up at 12:00 and that would still be okay. Such was the case with the mayor this morning. We arrived at 8:45, as planned, and the mayor showed up at 10:00. But that's just how it is around here!

After meeting up with the mayor, we went to a cafe in Nagarote, Nicaragua to eat some authentic quesillos. A quesillo is basically a tortilla with a rolled out disc of cheese, onions, and "crema" in the middle, wrapped up like a burrito, and served in a plastic bag. The "crema" is a very liquidy sour cream of sorts.... You have to eat it out of a bag because if you didn't, your lap would be covered in crema! You basically bite the quesillo through the bag, then scoot the bite up the bag with your teeth, and into your mouth--much like you would eat one of those cheap colorful popsicles that kids eat in the summer, you know, the ones wrapped in plastic??


With our quesillos, we drank something called "cacao"--glorified chocolate milk. It was AWESOME. They also serve this in a plastic bag. They pour the cacao into one bag, fill it with ice, then wrap that in a second bag, pop in a straw, and tie a knot on top to secure the straw. Pretty clever! Que delicioso! (How delicious!)

With our cacao.

When we returned to El Transito, Scott spent the afternoon with two local boys, Julio and Cairo, cleaning out one of Julie's buildings to make room for the library's temporary location. While he worked away hauling around bags of cement (no thanks...) I reorganized Julie's "multi-purpose" room, the room where she keeps all of the art supplies for the Arts Center. It was a task, but you all know how much I LOVE organizing! It was a good way to spend the afternoon, for sure.

Well, I am getting pestered by bugs, so I am going to retire for the night.

Buena noche! (Good night!)


1 comment:

  1. You guys are sooo cute! I love the blog and the pictures! That's so cool that you have the cacao! We're doing a kids event where they get to grind cacao seeds and learn how the mayas used to make chocolate!

    keep posting!! i love reading about the trip!:)
