
Friday, July 8, 2011

Independence Day in Nicaragua: We are Officially Ex-Pats (not quite).

Day 29 Esteli, Managua, and Corn Islands, Nicaragua. Tuesday, 07.05.11. 12:25 p.m.
As you can tell from the 3 cities listed, this has been a day of travel! We left Esteli at 5:30 this morning to hop a bus for Managua. We arrived in Managua in time for brunch at our favorite bakery, Sampson Bakery. We are now waiting in a tiny airport for our tiny plane to the Corn Islands on the Carribean side of Nicaragua.

Last night was Independence Day in the USA. I am not really the patriotic sort, but when you are in another country, your patriotism is heightened. The nice thing about traveling, too, is that you can ALWAYS find someone from the USA.

Last night, to celebrate the 4th, we met up at Cafe Luz, where we are staying, with some of our American friends that we have met throughout our travels in Nicaragua. At about 10:30 p.m. the lights in the Cafe went out, which Scott took as his cue to start singing the Star Spangled Banner... Surprisingly, or perhaps not surprisingly, after the first few words every American in the Cafe chimed in. Judging by the volume of the song, there were either at least 15 Americans in the Cafe, or the few that were actually there were just loud and possibly a bit tipsy. Overall, it was a very good 4th, but watermelon and fireworks would have sealed the deal.

Oh, Say Can You See,


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