
Sunday, August 28, 2011

East Downtown Stripes

Scott picked out this shirt for me on a recent shopping trip to Forever XXI. I think it's because he picked it out that I like to wear it... a lot :) It's super comfortable, breathable, soft, and the colors are lovely.

After church this morning, we headed to East downtown Houston for Scott to take some photos for a photo assignment that is due this week. After he took his required 24 shots, he offered to take some of me for an outfit post! Such a sweet heart :)

I would tell you that I am wearing dark skinny jeans because it compliments the loose, brightly colored shirt I'm wearing. BUT, if I was being completely honest, I would tell you that I am wearing pants in 100+ degree weather because I have not, in fact, shaved my legs in over a week.

I'll let you decide which to believe...

Shirt: Forever XXI
Pants: Levi's
Shoes: gift
Necklace: gifted chain, charms from my mom
Earrings: gift
Sunglasses: my husband's

Sweat drops on my forehead,


1 comment:

  1. I L.O.V.E. your blog... your way with words...your love of life....the pictures...the creativity...I could go on but I'm your mother and people may not want to hear all of it =)
