
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Day of Baking

Labor Day day was a sugary, crusty, crunchy, fruity, chewy, bakey (not a real word, I realize... just go with it) day!

It all started when my friend, Melissa, wanted me to teach her how to use her new Kitchen Aid mixer. Um, yes, any excuse to bake! We decided on chocolate chip cookies since they are the quintessential baked good (in my opinion, at least). They consist of basic baking ingredients, bake under a pretty standard baking temperature (350 degrees), and provide opportunities to learn baking vocabulary, such as "to cream". Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of when Mo came :( I'm usually the one behind the camera and my hands were covered in cookie dough (not a bad situation to be in!) You just have to trust me that these puppies were delicious! Plus, Mo can now go home and make them over and over on her own Kitchen Aid (you can thank me later, Payton).

Shortly after Melissa left, some girls from my small group came over to bake pies! K asked about my grandmother's pie crust recipe, so that is what we used. I would post the recipe below, but I still can't figure out how to really roll the thing without it breaking into a million pieces! So, once I get a personal tutorial from Mema and successfully roll this puppy out, I will wait on the recipe post.

Until then! Here are some photos from our baking adventure...

 E & K chopping plums for our Plum Fig Pie. Bring on Fall!!

 LOVE that nail polish color, K!

Rolling out the crust! Yes, it cracked into a million pieces. Boo.

So we just kinda mashed it into the pan.... Hey! It still tasted good! Flaky, too...

Sugar plums dancing in my head,



  1. I still can't do a pie crust like Mema =) But it sure is fun trying!

  2. Ummm, this all looks sooo amazing Hannah! Keep me in mind if you ever need any help or any help EATING it :D

    I recently made a gingerbread crust for a cheesecake & it was delish although a bit too thick. Got to get that ratio right

  3. Kaleb,

    Gingerbread crust! Yes, please! You'll have to get me that recipe...
