
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Looking back over the past 2 years or so of blogging, I realized that I rarely (if ever) talked about our church, or for that matter, my faith. Now, I'm not going to use this post to be an evangelical. Nor am I going to use it to try to bring ya' to the Lord. But, I will say this: My savior, Jesus, has given me more grace and love than I could ever hope for, and certainly more than I deserve.

Our church, Ecclesia, has been such a vital part of Scott and I's life here in Houston. Ecclesia, or "Church" (referring to the Christian community at large, not a building) in Greek, embraces its name, living among and working within this large community that is Houston, and loves her well.

These photos were taken at our church service last Sunday, held at our new location in the NE side of downtown. Our backyard is the large green patch that lies under the intersection of I-45 and I-10. The weather and the atmosphere made for some great shots!

For all of the photos below, I used my Tamron 70-300mm f/4-5.6 zoom lens. Enjoy!

f/5.0 : 1/640 : ISO 100

f/2.5 : 1/1250 : ISO 200

f/2.5 : 1/800 : ISO 200

f/2.5 : 1/800 : ISO 200

f/1.8 : 1/4000 : ISO 200

 f/5.6 : 1/50 : ISO 200

 f/5.6 : 1/125 : ISO 400

 f/4.5 : 1/80 : ISO 100

 f/5.6 : 1/800 : ISO 400

f/5.6 : 1/200 : ISO 400

f/1.8 : 1/1000 : ISO 200

f/5.6 : 1/250 : ISO 200

f/5.6 : 1/800 : ISO 200

f/5.6 : 1/50 : ISO 200

Grass in my sandals, 


1 comment:

  1. gorgeous pics, friend!! i was sad to miss both the outdoor services. praying we're in elder soon :)
