It hit me today that I start graduate school in about 1 month. I have had a glorious 9 month break from classes, lectures, notes, and studying, all of which will come to an all-to-abrupt end in 36 days. Yikes! Am I ready for this?? I received my schedule today, complete with 3 night classes, 2 afternoon classes, and a client that I have to come up with treatment plans for and implement them in therapy twice a week. Am I nervous? Oh heavens, yes! I thought I was ready for grad. school but as it creeps its way into reality I am slowly inching my neck back into my turtle shell.
Scott was texting me today after I told him about my schedule and he said that it was not going to be a fun change for us as far as seeing each other. He gets off of work at 6 and I will have night classes from 5:30-8:30 three times a week. We will work it out, but right now neither one of us really wants to think about how little time we will actually get to spend together. I am glad that Scott is not taking the "tough-it-up" approach to his way of helping me handle my little anxieties, but the "I'm going to miss you" method he has adopted doesn't really help either, ha ha. It's going to be a difficult adjustment for us and I will certainly miss him, too.
But, despite, as I always do when I start feeling too emotional and overwhelmed, I take a step back and think, "Well, Hannah, take a deep breath and handle this one little bit at a time". (Which is a stolen interpretation from my mother's mantra, "Well, Hannah, how do you eat an elephant? One small bite at a time." You really can't beat parental wisdom.)
Well, friends and family, that is all I have for now! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement; they are truly appreciated and we are praying for you constantly.
Above are a couple of pics of Scott and I since moving to Houston! We love you all.
P.S. I cut 6 inches off of my hair on Friday! Picture to come soon.
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