
Monday, July 27, 2009

Our 2 Month Celebration!

So, Scott and I had a great weekend together celebrating our 2 month! We had some extra money this month, so we took the whole day Saturday and went to Galveston! It was a blast! We took off around 10:45 with our books and picnic lunch, arrived an hour later, paid $8 to enter Stewart Beach, and had a great lunch/relaxation time until 3:00. Afterward, we changed clothes in the car and drove the The Strand, which is a street filled with stores and little restaurants. The buildings were all renovated old grocery stores, banks, etc. from the mid 1800s, brightly painted and filled with the new trinkets of the present owners. We ended up buying a few little things at the first store we entered, which sold a variety of odds-and-ends from wonderfully patterned paper to French prosthetic eyeballs that looked SO real. We ate dinner at a steak and seafood restaurant called "Willie G's"; we spent $87 and I told Scott that it was harder to look at the restaurant tickets now that we are sharing money and it's not just HIS money, ha.

I worked the morning shift at Taft Street Coffee on Sunday morning, which was CRAZY. Taft is located inside of our church, Ecclesia, and it is funded by the church so the Sunday morning crowd is HUGE. The barista I was working with told me to make the drinks during the 11:00 service to see how I could handle the speed; let's just say that I had drank a cup of coffee and some caffeinated tea RIGHT before and thus my hands were shaking tremendously and my brain was functioning at 10x it's normal processing speed. I made $34 in tips, which is A LOT for this place!

Anyway. That was our weekend. Blessings to all and to all a good week.

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