
Monday, August 3, 2009

More of life and a weekend in Temple!

Dear friends and family,

I hope that your past week has been eventful, but stress-free!

Scott and I spent a great weekend with our family in Temple. We went home originally for the wedding of two of my dear, dear friends, Jana Pittenger and Justin Schofield! What a beautiful and blessed event! I grew up knowing Jana from about middle school-on and I became close friends with Justin my Sophomore year in college before he even knew Jana. It has been so neat to see their relationship over the past year and I am very happy they are finally together forever!

About a year ago I had some scary looking moles removed from my back, one of which came back with some cells that appeared "pre-cancerous", so my doctor told me to come back within the year to have more that one removed. So, I waited a full year (ha ha), and had more cells removed on Friday. There is now about a 1-inch long scar on my back with 6 stitches that will be taken out in 10 days. Hopefully the results of that biopsy will come back clear! I am pretty certain that everything will come back just fine. When Scott found out he would be taking out the stitches he said, "I don't know about that..." Ha! I might have to beg one of our neighbors to do it! On this same doctors visit I found out that what I thought was ringworm on both of my forearms is actually eczema--great..... Basically it is a chronic (meaning life-long) skin disease that appears on and off and for me, it is triggered by stress. It makes sense because it has shown up in this same place three times in the last year and a half; the most recent episode appearing right after our wedding, ha!

Small little interesting side-note: A new guy, John, started attending our small group last week. He is a medical student here in Houston and he informed us last week that his younger brother is the state champion Scrabble player in his age group!! He is 14 and could apparently soundly defeat anyone who attempts to play him in Scrabble. Scott and I LOVE Scrabble, so we were really excited to hear that state championships in Scrabble exist! Who knew?? Of course, we would never attempt to compete. I am the type that likes to keep my hobbies as hobbies; if competition enters that picture, it no longer stands as a hobby but rather a chore that I have to practice. If you know me, I don't like to practice much on anything, ha ha. If I'm not good at it, I won't do it. I should work on that...

Anyway. Blessings to all! We love you.

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