
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Road Trips, Family, and Weddings!

Well, since last Thursday, I have been in Tennessee celebrating the wedding of my dear friend, Katie Morrison Newton. Because plane tickets are so expensive (especially for a newly-wed) I begged my good friend, Melissa, to road trip it with me to the beautiful TN! With some prodding, she agreed. And so we took off at 9:30am Thursday morning!

Our first destination was Searcy, AR to stay the night with my cousin Ashton and visit her family. We arrived right at dinner and Ashton had a delicious meal ready for us! We saw her cute house, went out for ice cream, and then went on a tour of Harding University. We swung on the white swings, walked under the bell tower, and looked through old year books in the newspaper room trying to find old pictures of Ashton's parents and Melissa's dad-with success! After our tour, we drove to my aunt and uncle new house and visited with them for the evening.

Melissa and I took off the next morning and drove 6 hours to TN for Katie's wedding. We made it in time for the rehearsal dinner, which was such an emotional, but lovely event. Katie and Heath were truly honored. I spent the night at Katie's house with the Maid of Honor and ran around with them the next day as we took Katie to get her hair and makeup done for the wedding! The results were stunning; she was a gorgeous and glowing bride! I was one of the bridesmaids in the wedding and it was such an honor to be a part of Katie's Big Day. A few friends from ACU came and I was able to visit with them at the reception.

Our trip back had to be squeezed into one day because I work early Monday morning. Melissa and I left Sunday morning at 7:30am with the impression that it would only take 12.5 hours to get back home. Boy, were we wrong! It would have only taken that long, except we drove through about 5 horrid rain storms, which set us back about 2.5 hours. We made it home in one piece with only our boredom, exhaustion, and swollen throats (effects of our 2 hour burst of singing VERY loud and dancing like crazy... cabin fever does wonders to the body...) to complain about.

Poor Scott was left in Houston for the weekend because he could not get off of work. But! He invited several of his high school buddies to spend the weekend at our apartment and go to a music festival here in Houston called SummerFest. It sounds like they had a blast! The apartment was left unscathed (impressive, I thought, seeing as how there were 5 boys staying in it) and Scott came away from the weekend with only one noise complaint; a true feat if you happen to know these boys...

I am glad to be home again and look forward to what lies ahead! I start grad. school in 8 days, so please be in prayer about that. I am nervous!!

Blessings to all.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what an amazing trip...I will never forget that trip back for as long as I you sweet are a beautiful blessing in my life..Mo :)
