
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Caramel Apples and Adventures in Manhood

Good day to all! I saw that I have not posted pictures in a while, so here are a few highlights from this week:

It was Scott's birthday last Thursday and we celebrated with friends from our church group and neighbors on Saturday night at the park by our house. Good chili, frisbee, slacklining. (I took lots of neat pictures of that swing that says "LOVE")

I have decided to title this portion of the blog "Adventures in Manhood"-- Scott, being the handyman that he is, has decided to learn cars in an effort to avoid paying someone else to do something that he is capable of doing. This is fine for say, oil changes and air filter replacements. I must admit, however, that I was nervous when he said he was going to replace all of his blown-out glowplugs (as shown here). He succeeded! Why do I ever doubt...?

"Everyday celebrations"--I decided to make a delicious treat of caramel apples in celebration of Fall! I love Fall and I thought it deserved a good, sticky, welcome! (Scott's is on the left)

One CANNOT look graceful while consuming caramel apples (proof provided in the above images).

I have had midterms for the 2 weeks (with 2 more to go next week!), so life has been a little harry. But, we are finding ways to bring love and joy (and caramel!) into the air! I hope that each of you are taking advantage of this wonderful season that is Fall!

Blessings to all and to all a night.

Your Sweet Tooth Queen,

Hannah Key

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