
Friday, October 16, 2009

Office supplies make me giddy

Happy Fall to all!

I just can't get over how much I love this season! Sunny with a high of 75 everyday for the next week! Hallelujah! The sun is out, but there is this gentle, gentle, cool breeze that comes through and kisses your face and shoulders. Truly amazing.

I spent the first 8 hours of my day at work, which is always a good experience. Scott came to work and had lunch with me, which is also always a good experience. We shared a turkey panini and hot soup and he left with a Pumpkin Pie latte in hand (courtesy of me).

When I got off of work, I went straight to Office Max to buy a coupon filer and some 4x6 blank notecards. They have to be blank. I don't do lined! I can't tell you how much joy fills my heart to see a huge room FULL of office supplies! It absolutely makes me crazy! So many colors and papers and filers and notebooks..... oh, such a delight for my OCD eyes to see!! I wanted to purchase so much more than I did (like that package of multicolored post-its! Ah!), but I restrained myself. I put my blinders on (sort of...) and only picked up the two items on my list. Good for me.

While walking back to my car, I just wanted to bathe in the weather! Pull all of that glorious breeze around me and snuggle with it for a few minutes! And that's just what I did when I got home. I went inside, got my Real Simple magazine and my camera, sat by our pool in a white plastic chair, and read 60 pages! It was glorious. I have 2 midterms this week, but this weather deserves more attention than my tests!

Here are a few photos from this week:

Scott surprised me when I got home one day with the new Brandi Carlile CD!!! It is wonderful! I danced to it in my PJs this morning while getting ready for work. Fabulous music.

Scott and I have a small herb garden that is doing surprisingly well! (Well... some of it is anyway...) This is our parsley and it is just flourishing!! I guess I inherited at least SOME of my Mema's green thumb! Our oregano and basil are also doing quite well. We killed the sage and the lemon basil.... oops.

A picture I took of myself this afternoon while basking in the breeze!

Blessings to all and to all a good weekend!

She who snuggles with Fall,


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