
Monday, October 19, 2009

October weekend

This weekend brought us more of the beautiful Fall sun and cool breeze; Scott and I took every chance to bask in this gift as, come November, it will be too cold for us native Texans!

Friday night we went out and saw "Where the Wild Things Are", the new movie by Spike Jonez based on the children's book with the same title. We saw it with our friends Eric and Sarah after enjoying a HUGE pizza at Frank's Pizzeria, a tiny pizza place in downtown Houston. We walked over to the Angelika theater, which is known for playing independent and foreign artsy films, handed in our tickets and watched what Sarah and I thought was going to be a happy-go-lucky children's movie. Needless to say, it was not. It was every bit of sad, dark, and creepy. I will admit, though, that it was very artfully done. The cinematography, special effects, and costumes were fantastic! Eric and Scott really enjoyed it and I would be lying to say that I didn't like it, I was just expecting something a bit more light-hearted.

Saturday was so beautiful! Scott and I slept in, which for us is about 8:00 these days... went for a run, ate breakfast, and spent about 3 hours in the afternoon at a park very close to our house that is across the street from the Menil Collection (a very well known art collection-If you own the book "1,000 Places To See Before You Die", you will find it in there!) We rode our bikes to the park, set out a blanket, and Scott read while I studied for midterms. There was a beautiful oak tree there that had long, skinny, winding branches stemming off at every angle! Perfect for tree climbing, so that's just what we did! I haven't climbed a tree since shimmying up our little peach tree that used to be in the front yard at my parent's house. I am not near as brave as I used to be... I managed to climb up to the second branch and grasped the limb above me like a child refusing to surrender a toy--that branch was mine! We left the park in time to come home and make dinner. Scott made an awesome dinner of fried chicken and fried okra! I made some cheese and herb scones to top it off. It was VERY tasty! We invited our neighbor over for dessert and a movie.

Sunday, like Saturday, graced us with another sunny and breezy day! We walked to church (it's only a little over a mile from our house) and witnessed two baptisms at our church! It was so emotional for me and Scott. Seeing that at our church and realizing how important it is to them really touched me to the point of tears.

Well, that was our weekend in a nutshell. I have a midterm today at 1:00, so I had better hop to and study!! I feel ready for it, but I hope I am not underestimating the test... I am starting to feel sick, too, so please pray that it STAYS AWAY!!! No time for illness in grad. school!

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Studying at the park.

Reading his Wendell Berry book.

I climbed the tree! Note: 1) The second branch is NOT that high 2) I will not let go of that branch!

Our yummy dinner on Saturday night!

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