
Thursday, August 19, 2010

My week in Belton :-D

Quick update on Sarah: Her first round of chemo was today, all went well. She has not experienced any side effects at this point. She woke this morning feeling very peaceful--your prayers are heard :-) I will be going up to visit her tomorrow during chemo day 2.

So, Scott and I went up to Belton on the weekend of Aug. 7th to celebrate my Dad's **th birthday! (Not his 50th, he's not quite there yet...) We had such a blast eating superb food, playing out on the lake, and just being with family! My grandparents, who also live in Belton, dwell in a BEAUTIFUL house on the lake, so our water adventures were only a staircase away. Scott had to go back for work, but I stayed with my parents until the following Thursday, which ended up being a good thing (for more reasons than just being with family). My brothers moved to Abilene the next weekend, so I was able to help my parents get things done around the house. Also, a very sweet man from my parents' church passed away on that Monday, so I was able to be there to help my mom while she rounded up people to bring food to the funeral. I am so glad I was there to help :-)

Now for the picture story! I feel that my words are so much better expressed through the photographs that I take...

Momma made spaghetti and meatballs the night of our arrival! Yum!

We visited Levi at work, Bodega Bean. Seriously neat coffee shop! If you live in/near Belton, you must visit!

My first attempt at skiing in 10 years--I stood up!!

My daddy :-) Birthday boy!

My brother, Jim :-) Yes, he and my dad look SO MUCH alike.

I LOVE my floppy HAT!!

Scott lookin' good in his shades B-)

Sunday afternoon at the grandparents house--Daddy likes Cotton Candy ice cream for his birthday, so that is what we gave him!

My church back home has a tradition of hosting "Graduation Sunday", an event in which we all gather somewhere with water on Sunday evening and celebrate the recent high school grads. Levi has finally taken his turn! This year it was hosted at a nice apartment complex with pool, cabana, and one man band! So fun!

My cousin, Kelsey (left), Levi, and Jim at the party.

This is the sweetest man--Bill--he has known me literally since the day I was born. Oh, and he likes Blue Bell.

Pool side hamburgers--oh yeah!

Jim, listening to the music

The elders give out new bibles to the grads--Daddy handed them out this year.

Had to photograph the puppies... Phoebe


So, I also refashioned some of my old clothes while there......!! They turned out SUPER cute! Will be blogging about those in a separate post.




  1. It looks like you had a great time, and I am so glad! I know you needed the getaway. I wish SO BADLY I could have been there, but the other receptionist was out of town. I hope we can do this next summer!

  2. i have been following this blog for some time now, good job by the way
