
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Friends and family,

I come to you with very bad news. Sarah's PET scan results came back today and the cancer has spread to her bones, hips, and pelvis, as well as her lungs. The doctor deemed her cancer terminal. She will begin chemotherapy tomorrow, indefinitely. We are so heart broken by this news and grieving deeply for her. If you can, please join my husband and I in a fast for Sarah tomorrow. In your moments of hunger, pray as our Lord, Jesus Christ did: "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Eric and Sarah. Yet not as I will, but as you will."

If you are in the Houston area, we will be holding a group prayer service for her tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 8:00 p.m. at Ecclesia Church. Your attendance would be very much appreciated.

She is in Gods hands. Only a miracle will save her life at this point, and maybe that's what God has planned for her, but it might not be. Pray for her life. Pray for her comfort. Pray for Eric and for Sarah's family as their suffering is immensely greater than mine.

Thank you. We love you all.


  1. Their story is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I will definitely keep them in my thoughts and prayers, please continue to update with the latest.

  2. heath and I are praying for her Han. I'm so glad her and Eric decided to wed early. Her story is so touching, and has been in my thoughts and prayers often. Love you sweet friend.
