
Sunday, June 5, 2011

My first little brother's big wedding day.

He's married. I can't believe it. Jimbo is married. Almost exactly 2 years after Scott and I.

Jim is the first of my younger brothers. He's handsome. He's fun. He's sensitive. He's a musical genius. He's a genius. This kid has a 4.0 GPA and got a 36 on his MCAT. He will make a wonderful husband to his new wife, Shelly :-) I love that girl.

It was a beautiful day. Full of love. And smiles. And cake. And sweat.

I'll let the photos tell the rest of the story. I'm so much more expressive with photography than words... (oh! did I mention that I now have Adobe Photoshop!! Thinking of starting a small photography business on the side...)

.rehearsal dinner.

Levi's girlfriend, Amy.

My cousin and her boyfriend

Momma did a wonderful job decorating! It was a music theme, since Jimbo has an awesome voice and plays the guitar.

All guests signed a record that was sitting in an old turn-table.

They were married in the gazebo seen in the background.

Uncle C

Aunt G

Shelly and Jim!

Gorgeous Momma


Aunt C


Daddy and Scott


Yummy salad!

Bridal/Groom party


Husband :-)

Bride's brother

Hug after my speech :-)

My speech

I held myself together during my speech. Lost it during his. This would be the youngest of the three siblings.

Me and Jim :)
Cleaning up

.the wedding.

the groom's cake. Momma made it!

Yes. Bubba cried when he saw his bride. Immediate bawling from sister ensued.

She cried too :-)

They released doves! So neat!

Bridesmaids hangin' out after the ceremony

Coolin' off our feet

Flower girl :-) I did not pose this picture. I love it when life creates its own composition.


Arriving to the reception!

He wrote a song for Shelly. Cry fest.

.the end.

With rice in my hair,


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