
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lots of changes.

To update you on our life for the past month or so, I'll start with a breakdown of recent happenings that ALL occurred between March 1st and May 30th....

1. We were robbed
2. We packed up and moved to a new apartment within 3 weeks of the robbery
3. Scott was accepted into Rice University
4. I finished up graduate school
5. I graduated!!
6. Our good friends moved to Seattle
7. My mom came into town to help decorate our new place
8. We went to Dallas to visit JBU friends
9. My brother got married! (this event will have it's own post)
10. Scott and I celebrated 2 years of marriage! I love this boy.
11. We packed our bags for our 8 week trip to Nicaragua! Have I not mentioned that yet? Well, there you go, we are living in Nicaragua for the summer. We leave tomorrow morning.

Needless to say, the past 2 months have been a whirlwind. We came out of it with smiles on our faces, all 10 fingers, all 10 toes, and only minor bruises.

Let the photo reel begin!

We went to NASA with B and R, M and P! After living in Houston for 2 years, this was our first time to venture into outer space!

Pondering what we should look at with M and P...

Scott landed the shuttle safely. Thanks, babe!

R and I made elephants our of $1 on the way to NASA

We hopped on a shuttle to see the Saturn V

B and R

M and P

Headed in to see Saturn V

And there she is! This is the end of Saturn V. The whole structure itself was GRANDIOSE... humongous. Ginormous. So big that I could not photograph the entirety of it in one shot.

The Saturn V. You can see Scott on the left.

Space Cowgirls!

ONE of the engines on Saturn V. Some human designed/engineered this.

Followed our excursion to NASA with a trip to Lupe Tortilla for dinner....

... and Swirll for dessert. Fro-yo and lime pepper steak fajitas is a winning meal.

Then I graduated with my Master of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders!!! Finally (sigh....)

I owe a HUGE thanks to this guy. He is my husband. He is my hero. Thanks for all you did to get me through the past 2 years.

My other parents!

Momma and Daddy

Came home to get ready for the graduation party and this gift arrived... a new camera bag!! Thank you to my in-laws for a wonderful gift!

Friends from our church and community, as well as family, celebrated graduation with us at our new apartment! Scott and I hosted a dessert party for the occasion. Momma helped me make my very first cheesecake! It was a hit :-)

Friends typed notes on our typewriter

While J and E schemed to mess up the labels on my card catalogue.... (see right)

Then off to Dallas for a baby shower and a weekend with good friends :-)

Momma-to-be!! I can't wait to meet that little boy. This will be their first baby!

She's already a pro ;-)

I knitted that little hat for the baby!

We went to a sculpture museum in downtown Dallas. The first exhibit: a 20 x 20 x 10' room full to the BRIM with BALLOONS!!!! It was like a dream had come to life. And yes, we went inside. And yes, we got lost. But it was SO MUCH FUN.

Apparently Picasso made a sculpture in K's honor... who knew?

B fit right in...

On Sunday morning, J gave the boys a tutorial on how to make a napkin ball.

"Just keep tucking...."

Nicely done, boys. Nicely done. These may not be used as weapons to pelt your wives.

And before I post about my brother's wedding, I have to mention that Scott and I have now been married for 2 years. We have only fallen more in love. We continue to learn and appreciate more about each other with each day.

Yes, he made me breakfast in bed. He's good.

Fancy date after work.

To follow.... Jim's wedding!

Lemon tea on my mind,

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