
Sunday, June 5, 2011

We really did move... I have the pics to prove it!

So, a little over a month ago, I told you that we moved. Then I neglected to put any photos up of our new place.... sorry. Here is our new place! All decorated and cozy :-)

Living room/Dining room

Living room/Dining room

Living room

Dining room

Kitchen. We painted the little wall directly above the sink a Granny Smith apple green--added some needed color and cheer!

Bedroom. My parents bought us the new bedding as a graduation gift.



Study. The study is painting a burnt orange color, which you can see better in the living room photo above.

Living room

Well there she is! We went with a grey/white/orange/blue color scheme throughout the apartment. I have a hard time describing my style.... I like modern/clean lines, but also enjoy some eclectic details... perhaps it should be called "modern eclectic"? I'll play around with that. Scott wants me to submit photos of our place to design*sponge, a well-known design blog. I am debating that one.... we'll see! I'll let you know if our place gets featured, ha!

A few more posts to come.... wanted to break them up so as to not overwhelm myself!

With paint drippings in my hair,



  1. Your new place looks fantastic! I love the color theme you went with. What color is the grey paint? We might be moving (*fingers crossed!*) into a townhouse, and I have it stuck in my head that I MUST paint the bedroom grey.

  2. Love the new place!! I think the dining room is my favorite. :) Hope you two enjoy Nicaragua - I'll be (somewhat jealously) watching for blog updates!
