
Monday, September 12, 2011

Chalkboard Window

Scott was driving home from... somewhere? one day and saw one of our neighbors tossing several white framed, wooden windows out into the dumpster. Knowing that if I saw such a travesty, I would probably have a heart attack, he kindly picked up about 5 of them, loaded them up into the back of our highlander, and called me saying he had a surprise for me...

Was I EVER excited when I saw these beautiful, antiquated, white framed, wooden windows sitting in our garage....! Oh, the possibilities!

Well, this happened over a year ago and sadly I am just now completing my last project with the last of the windows. I will say that I donated two of them to a friend/neighbor, then I donated one to one of her friends who was also inspired.

Leaving 2 for us :)

The first one I used as a picture frame to house one of my large, abstract paintings of a Colorado aspen grove. It now sits nicely in front of our fireplace. You can see it here. And, without further ado... the last window was used to make a chalkboard window that now hangs in our dining room!! I don't know what took me so long to do this project, because I absolutely love the way it turned out!

What you need:

chalkboard paint
window cleaner
paper towels
painter's tape

What to do:
Wipe down all window panes with window cleaner and paper towels
Cover all frame pieces with painter's tape
Spray paint the window panes (I needed 5 coats)
Remove the painter's tape
Hang the window
Write/draw/doodle/jot your little heart out!

Chalk dusk on my fingers,



  1. I love it!!! I'll have to start scouring Craigslist for old windows - this would be a great addition to a kids room or playroom! God blessed you with great creativity Hannah! Glad to see that you & Scott are doing so well :)

    Jess McKee

  2. okay, i totally love how your blog sidebar updates are coming! :) it looks amazing! great job. oh, and you MUST link this project up to my link party! it's so cute!

  3. What a cute idea! Now, I just need to find an old window hanging around...

  4. hey girl! your chalkboard window was featured today on let birds fly for being one of the most-clicked-on links! :)
