Friends and Family,
And here is PART 2!
SPRING BREAK!!! Oh man, was I ready for this guy! Unfortunately, Scott did not have any time off, so we stuck around Houston, but we still really enjoyed it!
One of my dear friends, Katie, came to visit me from Sunday night through Wednesday and we enjoyed a few days of crafting, thrifting, and RELAXING.
My dear friend, Melissa, tagged along on several of our endeavors! It was a mini college reunion! During our "crafting" times, I worked on our Wedding Scrapbook and I also started and completed my WINDOW PROJECT!! Do you remember me talking about that months ago?!
Well here it is! I am so pleased with the results!!
I took a huge piece of illustration board, designed what would go on top, got out my acrylic paints, and painted away! Once completely dry, I secured it to the back of my old window!
Just in case you can't really tell: It is an grove of Aspen trees in winter.
On Wednesday of Spring Break, Scott and I went to Rodeo Houston!!! One of the biggest rodeos in the nation! It was sooooo fun! We were both a bit skeptical, but thoroughly enjoyed it! Scott came across some FREE $30 seats! The view was great, the action was awesome, and the food was..... well, stadium food!
Entering the stadium!!
Scott chowin' on a chili cheese hot dog
Me: watching bull riding.
Just enjoying the rodeo :-)
Chariot Races!!
Gary Allen concert followed!
Friday night of Spring Break, a huge park in Downtown called Discovery Green was playing an outdoor movie: Julie and Julia!!! Easily one of my favorites from the past few years! I LOVE that movie. If you haven't seen it, you should.
Just eating dinner!
Lots of birds were flying overhead
Melissa and her boyfriend, Payton, joined us as well! We packed a picnic dinner of olive oil dip with French bread, cheese, oranges, and chocolate covered strawberries for dessert! Yum!
This week at school was rough. I had a midterm in Motor Speech that I started studying for on Sunday (midterm was on Wednesday). So..... I studied A LOT and thought I was ready. Apparently everyone thought they were ready. So, I'm doing really well on the first part. Maybe unsure about a few here and there, but whatever. Then comes the LAST section. Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC). I studied this, yes, but apparently I studied ALL of the wrong notes. This has NEVER happened to me in a test before, but when I looked at the first page, I literally knew NONE of the answers. So I turned to the next page. Nope, don't know many of those answers either. Awesome. So, how did I react? My body kicked in: my stomach got all nauseous, the blood drained from my face, my hands started shaking, and I got dizzy. I was actually about to pass out! This particular portion of the test was worth 25 pts. out of the 100 total and I knew maybe 8-10 pts worth?? Maybe?? Needless to say, I left the test knowing that I made a C and you know what, I have to be okay with that! We find out on Monday. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
On a lighter note.....

Last night, Scott and I went to a crawfish boil for his work! Of course, Scott did not touch the things, but I got my share of 'em! Don't they look so...... creepy? But they were delicious!!
AND.... Scott's job site reached SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION today!!! The owners walked through the building and said, "we love it!" What does that mean for us??? No more working weekends for Scott!! (He has worked the last 4 weekends) And, it means that the next few weeks for Scott should be much easier than they have been. He has been pretty stressed at work these past few weeks as the team was finishing up the build.
So, despite the awful test and stresses at work, the week has ended on a good note :-)
I hope to be better about updating the blog! Hopefully it won't be 20 days....
1 comment:
Glad you got a good Spring Break! :-) Sorry about that dreadful test; I've had my share of those, too. And I thoroughly enjoyed watching you stuff creepy crawly creatures in your mouth; braver than me! haha
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