I realize it's been a while.... But my excuse remains the same: school. Summer school hit us hard and fast on June 1st and has been go-go-go ever since, and will be until July 29th. Only two more weeks! I can do it!
New news: I don't work at Taft Street Coffee anymore. My last day was July 9th. Next semester at school I will be at an off-site working 30-40 hours/week, plus my 10 hrs/week as a graduate assistant (GA) at school.... so the coffee shop had to go. I was very sad to leave, but I really think I will need having August off before the craziness really sets in. I feel at peace about it, but I do and will miss working there.
Scott is on his job site until August, at which point he will be relocated. Be praying that he ends up somewhere in Houston. Other possibilities include the Woodlands (45 min. away) and Galveston (1 hr. away). We really want him to be in Houston to avoid 2+ hours of commute every day.
Despite our hectic schedules, we have embraced the summer months by going to an Astros game, watching USA play soccer in the World Cup at different sports bars, and more recently, going to the beach with our church group! This was my first summer since I was... probably 5 yrs. old that I didn't have "off", so I am trying to pretend that I don't have a pile of reports to write during my summer! Thankfully, my supervisors at school have been very gracious by extending deadlines; my professors, too, have made the summer load pretty light.
Okay, picture time.
Scott and I at the Astros v. Rangers Game. I was a little torn..... Been a Rangers fan my whole life! Well, the Rangers won by A LOT. Poor Astros....
So, I can't go anywhere without eating ice cream :-) And my dear husband gets it for me every time.
At Buffalo Wild Wings watching the USA v. Ghana game!! We painted our faces this time; SOO FUN! USA lost. Apparently they couldn't see our enthusiasm through the TV.
My beautiful friend, Melissa, and her almost-husband, Payton (sp?) I am so blessed to be her Maid of Honor in December!!!
My lovely friend, Hannah, and her boyfriend, Jeremy :-)
Scott and I went with our friends to go see The Houston Orchestra at the Miller Outdoor Theater. The Miller is (obviously) an outdoor theater that hosts anything from drum shows, to high school plays, to orchestras! If you sit on "The Hill", you can watch the shows for free. The tickets for sitting under the covered awning are pretty cheap, though.
"The Hill" at Miller Outdoor. Notice the WIDE range of ages! You will see tiny babies, dogs, young 20's, and retired at the Miller Outdoor. Such a fantastic spot in Houston located at Herman Park.
Guess who finished my EASEL!!!! It is so beautiful!
Look how PERFECTLY it fits in with our house!! And, that blank canvas is up there to inspire me to paint. It worked. I have one on the way! Pictures soon, hopefully!! Mom, you can't have this one, though I am POSITIVE you will want it ;-)
Scott and I at the beach with our church group :-) The weekend was SO relaxing. I just read a book and walked through waves all weekend--perfection. Only minor burns because I am a bit of sunscreen freak.
We played the "Flip-Flop Game". Here's the gist: Everyone stands in a large circle around one flip-flop. One person is chosen to stand and "guard" the flip-flop. Everyone in the circle is trying to steal the flip-flop without getting tagged by the guard. You get tagged, you freeze for the rest of the game. It was really fun, but I'm not very good! (Notice how my friend, Christina, is stealing the flip-flop from between Eric's feet! Killer tactics!)
Pizza in town that night
followed by card games and karaoke! No, I did not sing. But look how seriously I was taking this game....
Scott was craving a "Southern" meal tonight, so we tag teamed it and made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and buttermilk biscuits! It was SOOOO good!! Just look at that chicken taking an oil bath..... oh, such goodness.

The full spread. Notice the cow-print bowls; how appropriate!
The first bite.
Well, I have another awesome recipe to share with you! But, it is getting late, so remind me to post about it this weekend. I'll give you a hint: it involves the absolute fruit of the Texas summer: TOMATOES and it is inspired from the movie "Julie and Julia"..... any guesses??