I hope you are drooling after reading the title of this post. If you are not drooling, you do not fully comprehend the wonderfulness of chocolate and peanut butter. I mean, Reese's figured it out a long time ago people--get with the program! :-)
Scott LOVES chocolate and peanut butter! I cannot count on two hands the number of Reese's Peanut Butter Cup wrappers I have found in the boy's pockets. I shake out his jeans before putting them in the laundry and what comes flying forth from the depths of his pants pockets but tiny little balls of gold and silver foil with the ever-recognizable orange and brown print. I just sigh, pick them up, toss them in the trash, and smile that I get to enjoy such quirks :-)
SO, with this love of chocolate and peanut butter in mind, I came across this cake recipe on Recipe Girl's blog to satiate my need for a sugar fix. With its 6 eggs, 1 cup of peanut butter, 1 stick of butter, 3 cups of sugar, and chocolate chips, I knew this recipe was a winner (and possibly the perpetrator of future heart attack--oh well.)

I refuse to admit how much of this cake was eaten by ONLY myself and Scott. We ate 3/4 of this cake between the two of us. Not in one sitting, mind you. Only shared 1/4 of it with Scott's co-workers.

Oops. Did I just admit that out loud...?
You will understand when you make and devour this cake.

I did not make any adjustments to the recipe, so just click on the link provided above ("this cake recipe") and bake your little hearts out, my friends!
With peanut butter stuck to the roof of my mouth,
The Freckled Key