Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cookie Dough Pops

We needed a little treat for the Super Bowl, and I found these cookie dough pops over at Kevin & Amanda! Who doesn't L.O.V.E. raw cookie dough...? These are guaranteed salmonella free, because you replace each egg with 2 Tbls. of milk!Eat. your. heart. out.

What you need:
.your favorite cookie recipe
.lollipop sticks
.1 pkg. almond bark

What to do:
.Whip up your favorite cookie recipe, replacing each egg with 2 Tbls. of milk
.Melt almond bark in the microwave or in a double-boiler on the stove
.Form dough into 1" balls
.Dip each lollipop stick into the melted almond bark before inserting into the cookie dough balls, to act as a glue
.Push a lollipop stick into each cookie dough ball and place on a cookie sheet
.Place cookie sheet in the freezer and leave for 15-20 minutes, until dough is hard
.Dip each cookie dough ball into the melted almond bark, creating a nice, even coating
.Roll the coated cookie dough ball in sprinkles, to your liking
.Place in freezer for an addition 5 minutes to harden the almond bark coating
.Serve in a bowl filled with marbles or little candies to keep the pops standing

Cookie dough dreams,


1 comment:

Tasia |Ruffles and Sequins| said...

Yummers! These look great - its just too bad I'm seeing them BEFORE eating my breakfast. Another meal spoiled by sweet treats :) Lovely little blog you have here.
