Hello, hello! I hope this weekend finds you rested and joyful :-) My husband is currently hacking away at some frozen beef as I sit here and (laugh at) watch him from a distance...
School is off to a good start! My internship is great--it's nice not being cooped up in our tiny building with no windows all day... The therapy room I work in most of the day has a HUGE window that overlooks the city, so I have a very nice view :-) Classes are going well, yet I am still in denial that anything is due in the near future.... I should snap to reality soon, I suppose....
Scott just found out that he will NOT be transferred to Galveston after all!!! HUGE praises for that one! Thank you, Lord :-) He will most likely be transferred somewhere that is actually CLOSER to home!
Scott and I have taken on the role of Small Group Leaders for our church group. Sarah and Eric were our small group leaders, but due to her cancer diagnosis, they passed the baton to us. Scott has REALLY enjoyed leading the group. We are going through the book of James right now, which has been a great blessing to our group due to the trials that have come our way recently.
In other news...... We recently took a VERY spontaneous trip to Louisiana over Labor Day weekend! Scott's good friend from high school/college, Jared, came down to visit us and we wanted to show him a good time. We also have some friends, Ashley and Jason, that live in small town Louisiana that we met up with. Our trip included a tour of the Tabasco factory...

...eating Po' Boys...
...a tour of the bayou and swamp (we saw 12 alligators!!!)
I don't remember what this green plant is called, but it covered the top of the swamp water... it looked like the trees were bursting out of a lush shag carpet...
Jason and Ashley with the bayou foliage
I did NOT use a zoom lens for this photo--we were about 3 feet from this 8 foot alligator...
...and a cajun seafood dinner complete with zydeco music and dancing.
It was a quick trip, but we spent VERY little money and had so much fun!
So, we love this place called Miller Outdoor Theater. I've blogged about it before, but I will continue to do so because we frequent this spot, well, FREQUENTLY. On Friday night, before our venture to Louisiana, we had a cookout at Miller Park with some friends, followed by a free viewing of Avatar at the Outdoor Theater! Loads of fun, but Scott's Weber grill got stolen.....
Poor Weber...
Scott caught the frisbee while balancing on this rope...
Friends :-)
Don't worry, we took another quick trip the weekend before to East Texas to visit some of Scott's family. Scott designed a table that was to be made out of unistrut. It needed welding and it so happens that his uncle has a welder! We packed a backpack and drove the 4 hours to Uncle B and Aunt K's house for the weekend. Scott and B slaved over the welder and unistrut ALL DAY Saturday and Sunday. No injuries were incurred, minus the fact that Scott's shirt caught fire...... He only lost a FEW arm hairs.....
Notice the hole in his sleeve....
While Scott was busy creating sparks and welds, I stayed inside most of the time sketching, reading, crocheting and doing homework.
They are wearing the protective face masks because you ARE NOT supposed to look directly at the welding spark because it will burn your eyes..... yes, I took this photo while looking directly at the welding spark WITHOUT wearing the protective helmet. Oops.
His cousins were all out of town so I was alone most of the time--no complaints here! His aunt and uncle have a deer that lives IN THEIR HOUSE. Yes, you read that right. A PET deer. It is still a fawn, which means that the little creature is especially cute.
Would not let me come NEAR it, but I snagged a few photos.... Its eyelashes had to be at least 2 inches long and those tiny white spots still speckled her back like dripped paint. SO CUTE.
Okay, last but not least-- Our neighbors M and T are professional ballet dancers for a dance company here in Houston and they were performing last night at Miller Outdoor Theater for FREE! We packed up a picnic with our friends, Melissa and Payton, and headed out to the green hill to support them.
They did a BEAUTIFUL job, as always :-) Their company only has 6 dancers, so it was not hard to spot them on stage. M keeps a sweet and creative blog, mostly about her delicious cupcake recipes, but she will post art projects and thrift store finds periodically. Check it out!
Wow, if you have read this all the way to here, bless you. I will end now and give your eyes a rest.
Blessings to all.
P.S. I wrote this post on Saturday, but forgot to submit it. Sorry!
Glad you got to have a little bit of spontaneity :) It's always fun to just go sometimes! Miss you!
Of course I read all the way through and so glad I did. Thanks for considering our performance blog worthy. You two are so supportive! Happy creating!
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