I love this man so much. As Julie and Julia would say, "You are the butter to my bread and the breath to my life."
He cooks for me when I have school, he cleans the house when I am away. He picks up his clothes from the day before so that when I wake up I don't have to see them lying around. He knows how to love me in all the ways I need, whether that be a back rub at night, a nice text in the middle of the day, or a clean kitchen when I come back from night class.
I love you, Scott :-)
OK. All mushy-ness aside, Scott wanted one thing for his birthday: a new rain jacket. He has been asking for one of these for a while now and we (as in his immediate family and my parents, as well as myself) finally got him one! I was in a hurry to wrap this gift before he came home, so I pulled out an old manila envelope and some scrap ribbon and wrapped away!

Again, I am person who needs instant gratification, so this wrapping took all of 3 minutes.
What you need:
Used manila envelope (preferably one that is still in tact)
Scrap ribbon
Gift to wrap
What to do:
Stuff the gift inside the envelope
Seal the top
Wrap with a ribbon

I love how the old writing and postage is still visible :-)
Blessings and happy Fall!
This is personal and gets the job done! It can be hard to wrap gifts for the men in our life, but I like how you did this. And I bet your husband was so happy to finally get his jacket!
Too cute as always!!!
So glad you liked this post! It's always great to read comments from new readers!
Cheers and happy gift wrapping!
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