When looking through my photos to determine what my next post would be about, I observed that all of our social events in February/beginning of March revolved around food. No surprise there. To follow is mere sampling of the many food adventures we have been a part of.
Momma and Uncle C's Birthday:
As many of you know, some of you don't, my Momma is an ASTOUNDING cook. The woman can do things with flour, sugar, and eggs that even Martha Stewart envies.... there, there, now, Martha, your time will come.... Don't even get me started on what she creates with pasta, chicken, and cream. Oh, gracious me.
And, yes, even on her own birthday, my mother takes great pleasure in cooking a meal for 15. Bless you, sweet lady, bless you.

There was nothing healthy-tasting about this pie. If only all gluten-free eats were this good.

We enjoyed a nice meal of Chicken.... oh dear, I'm blanking on the official name, but it was good!!

Making dessert :-)

We played Spades

... and watched DOUG!!
Cooking Club!

R helped prepare the asparagus
And, presto! Sol Almondine with Roasted Asparagus!
R and I made the dessert, which was an upside-down pineapple cake made with fresh pineapple and homemade caramel sauce, baked in a cast-iron skillet. Are we good, or are we good?!
Bon Appétit!
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