I have so many fond memories attached to peaches, specifically the peach tree that grew in the front yard of my parents' house. We climbed it, we hung upside down from it, we picked gobs of peaches from it, we ate gobs of peaches from it, my mom made AMAZING peach butter from it...
Peaches are the reason I love Texas summers despite the horrendous heat. Their soft, fuzzy shell; their juicy, sweet inside; their fresh, warm smell. Unfortunately, we no longer have the peach tree (it died), so instead I look forward to when HEB advertises "Texas Peaches $1.99/lb" You can bet I hop directly into my Toyota, drive to HEB, and fill my cart with pounds of Texas peaches!
If you have the self-control to not eat all of the peaches in one sitting, there are SO many tasty treats to create from peaches:
ice cream
Due to the rising temperatures in Houston as we quickly approach August, I thought it would be a good idea absolutely necessary to make peach sorbet.
This recipe is slightly adapted from a recipe in the food magazine, "Cuisine At Home" titled "Sparkling Peach Sherbet".
What you need:
-1 cup sugar
-1/3 cup raspberry sparkling wine**
- 1/4 cup honey
-2 pounds fresh peaches
-1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
-1 cup plain yogurt
**I used raspberry sparkling wine instead of the club soda originally specified in the recipe
What to do:
-Heat the sugar, sparkling wine, and honey in a saucepan over high, stirring until sugar has dissolved. Chill mixture until cold. I put mine in the refrigerator to speed up the process.
-Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Score an "X" on the bottom of each peach. Blanch the peaches in the boiling water for about 30 seconds, then transfer them into a large bowl of ice water to shock.
-Peel skin off of the peaches and cut in half, removing the pits. Puree peaches in a food processor.** Stir in lemon juice and chill until cold.
-Whisk yogurt and chilled sugar syrup into chilled peach puree.
-Transfer sherbet mixture to a 1-2 quart ice cream machine. Process sherbet for about 30 min, then transfer sherbet into a freezer container and freeze for 3 to 4 hours.
**Cuisine At Home recommended passing the puree through a fine mesh strainer. I omitted this step because I liked the texture of the peaches.
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